Are women ready to crack eggs?

No, this is not a podcast about cooking or fertility, but about what it takes for women to succeed at work. 

The episode begins with a discussion about Geraldine’s television interview with the man known as “Mao’s Last Dancer”. Li Cunxin is a brilliant Chinese ballet dancer who is now running the Queensland Ballet. He’s a fascinating man with an incredible discipline, which prompts a discussion about how discipline and a systematic approach to life can be very useful for your career. Right up until the point where you have to be willing to break those rules and structures if they’re holding you back. 

Then it’s onto Julie Bishop’s failed tilt at political leadership in Australia. And the ongoing challenge to British PM Teresa May by Boris Johnson: foppish cad turned Chief Wrecker. 

Eliza finishes with an update on the homeless Syrian boy who sleeps rough outside her Beirut apartment. Eliza and her family are making rapid progress establishing their new lives in Lebanon, except for a slight glitch last weekend which will go down in family folklore as the time the great Beirut project nearly fell apart. 


Mao's Last Dancer

Compass Sacred Space interviews: ABC TV

Eddie Ayres

Ben Quilty

Geraldine Doogue: The Climb.

Geraldine talks Brexit on ABC Saturday Extra

Matthew Parris’ scathing anti-Boris colums are behind the Times paywall. So here’s a link in the Guardian.

Documentary: Three Identical Strangers.

EpisodeEliza Harvey