Penny Wong's greatest challenge is America, not China

This week, Eliza "interviews" Geraldine about her article in the respected journal "Australian Foreign Affairs".

In it, Geraldine argues that America - not China - will be Penny Wong's greatest challenge in office. Geraldine cites the fact that America doesn't take too kindly to criticism, or the suggestion that Australia might go its own way in terms of foreign policy.

Also this week, Eliza discusses Elizabeth Strout's devastating new novel "Lucy by the Sea".

And Geraldine sings in a Puccini choir.

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Messa Di Gloria - Puccini

Penny Wong: Testing herself and Australia Australian Foreign Affairs

More on the Australia - Japan security deal

Lucy by the Sea: A Novel Elizabeth Strout

NYT review of Lucy by the Sea

Nick Bryant on England’s political chaos

EpisodeEliza Harvey