Have we become greedy in Oz?

This week, Geraldine and Eliza discuss an article by former Federal Independent MP Tony Windsor about how personal greed is shaping politics. 

Also this week, the Solomons deal with China and the war in Ukraine are distracting Eliza from week 3 of the election campaign.

And are we losing focus? Or are we just tired after a long haul with the pandemic?

Don't forget to sign up to Plenary Matters on your podcast app for Geraldine's second season on the big council shaping the future of the Catholic Church.

Thanks for listening! Join the conversation on Facebook at LDC Podcast or email ldcpodcast1@gmail.com

Tony Windsor – Saturday Paper - Rorters, rooters and the country’s lost decade


Howard Jacobson’s Mother’s Boy


What’s wrong with diplomacy? Kerry Brown


Stolen Focus - Johann Hari 


Slow Horses – Apple TV 


Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty (Binge)


EpisodeEliza Harvey