Why getting angry won't make young women happy

Geraldine has been mulling over the debate about women & society's expectations of their behaviour since Grace Tame famously gave the Prime Minister the angry 'side-eye'. 

Geraldine finally realised what had been making her uncomfortable: the notion that anger will somehow be cathartic & freeing. She believes the opposite - that anger is a dead weight that stops you from progressing.

So this week, Eliza and Geraldine weigh in - about women's right to be angry, about the inequalities that still exist in the system, and how different generations of women feel about this conversation. 

Also this week, will there be a war in Europe?

And why Boris Johnson has ceded his moral authority. 

Thanks for listening! Get in touch via the Facebook page "LDC Podcast" or email ldcpodcast1@gmail.com

The Reason Putin Would Risk War - The Atlantic, Anne Applebaum


The reaction to Grace Tame leads to a question: Why are so many of us uncomfortable with the face of an angry woman? Virginia Trioli, ABC


Women are set to deliver political shocks - John Black, AFR


EpisodeEliza Harvey